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About Us


At Riverchase Presbyterian, “the little church on the block,” we believe passionately that small churches can be vital members of the body of Christ, worshiping God with vibrancy and serving impactfully in our communities.


Chartered in 1983, RPC experienced rapid growth thanks to its proximity to Riverchase Galleria Mall and its location in the suburban Riverchase community. By 2014 due to a variety of factors, the congregation found itself unable to sustain the economics of the late 20th-early 21st century church model that most often meant large facilities and staff. In 2014, the congregation made the decision to become a fully lay-led congregation and in doing so, reclaim the model of the early church.


Today, that model of “doing church” is bearing good fruit. Yes, we are small in number, but we are an authentically open, welcoming, community that embraces new opportunities to explore the amazing, exciting depth and breadth of God’s love for God’s creation as we joyfully worship God. We also believe that God meets us where we are and so we seek to live out Christ’s command to “love one another as I have loved you.” 

Riverchase Presbyterian is member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is a Matthew 25 congregation. Matthew 25:31–46 calls all of us to actively engage in the world around us, so our faith comes alive and we wake up to new possibilities.

Matthew 25 Congregation

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Riverchase Presbyterian Church  |  600 Riverchase Parkway West  |  Hoover, AL 34243  |  205.988.8182

©2021 by Riverchase Presbyterian Church

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